Isle of Anglesey County Council

Economic benefits and key project dates

Energy Island™-related developments are expected to bring a significant boost to our economy during both construction and operational phases. These benefits are already beginning to stack up.

Isle of Anglesey County Council and the North Wales Economic Ambition Board are working hard with the project owners and key stakeholders to ensure that the economic benefits – jobs for local people and work for local businesses – stay within the local and regional area.

This information was last updated October 2016.

Development Estimated investment Estimated jobs created during construction Estimated operational jobs
Land & Lakes £200 million 400 600
Minesto £25 million   30
M-SParc £20 million 100 700
Orthios Eco Parks £1 billion 800 - 1000 700
Wylfa Newydd £10 billion 8000 - 10000 850 (+700 apprentices before generation)

This information was prepared in October 2016 and may be subject to change over time as the various Projects enter different lifecycle phases.

Development Expected date for construction to start Expected date for operation to start
Land & Lakes Late 2017 (part of project) 2018 (part of project)
Minesto Now ongoing Holyhead HQ office now open
M-SParc May 2016 Nov 2017
Orthios Eco Parks 2017 2018
Wylfa Newydd 2019 First half of 2020s