Isle of Anglesey County Council

Town centre regeneration

An overview of current and planned town centre regeneration schemes on Anglesey by the County Council’s Regeneration Function.

Anglesey towns

Anglesey five recognised towns are (with population in brackets)

  • Holyhead (11,431)
  • Llangefni (5,116)
  • Amlwch (3,849)
  • Menai Bridge (3,376)
  • Beaumaris (1,804)

These five towns have their own town councils who undertake many local functions.

Town designations

Holyhead is designated as a Regional Growth Area by the Welsh Government.

In local planning policies, the first three are Urban Service Centres and Employment Centres, and the final two are Local Service Centres. Economic need is highest in Holyhead, with 7 LSOA’s in the 20% most deprived in Wales, with 1 such area in Llangefni.

Income deprivation levels in Holyhead, Llangefni, and Amlwch exceed the Wales average. Budget limits mean that many funds are limited to certain towns/areas with the highest need.

A summary of the WIMD 2019 deprivation data for Anglesey's five towns is available to download.

Amlwch is a priority area in the North Anglesey Economic Regeneration Plan. Please refer related enquiries to the Economic Development Team.

Town Centres Improvement Strategy 2023 to 2028

The County Council has prepared a strategic framework for the improvement of Anglesey’s town centres. Following a public consultation process, a final version of the strategy that aligns with the Council Plan was approved on the 26th September 2023.

Town Centres Improvement Strategy 2023 to 2028 - link opens a new tab

Transforming towns 

This is an umbrella term now used by the Welsh Government (WG) to cover a wide range of funding schemes and other initiatives designed to support and improve town centres in Wales.

These include TRI capital grants, TRI revenue grants, property development loans, enforcement support, policies and other matters.

All Anglesey town centres are covered by some elements of this programme.  

Regional regeneration

The six North Wales local authorities and WG work closely to address town centre regeneration matters. 

Targeted Regeneration Investment (TRI) Programme

Anglesey has benefitted from the £3.5 million TRI Empty Properties in North West Wales Scheme 2018 to2021 which has funded works to adapt eligible empty premises for residential, commercial and community uses in priority areas, including creating the new MonCF hub in Amlwch town centre.

Other smaller TRI funding schemes have also operated and benefitted Anglesey, including a £108,000 town centres Covid adjustments fund.

Building for The Future (BFF)

Anglesey secured ERDF funding from this scheme to help refurbish Holyhead Market Hall.

Town centre loans

Using Welsh Government loan funding, the County Council may be able to provide short-term interest-free loans for eligible town centre property development schemes that meet the scheme criteria.

The target areas are Holyhead, Llangefni and Amlwch town centres. 

Holyhead Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI)

The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) is co-funding a second phase THI in Holyhead Town Centre to improve historic buildings and bring historic floorspace back into use.

Match funding has been provided by Welsh Government. Contact the Heritage Regeneration Team for details.

Holyhead VVP Regeneration Programme 2014 to 2017

The TRI programme followed the Vibrant and Viable Places Scheme. Following a pan-Wales competitive bidding process, funding of £8.5m was awarded by the Welsh Government which supported an overall investment of £40m in 40 capital projects.

A summary of the programme is available to download

Holyhead Levelling Up Programme 2023 to 2025

Following a UK-wide competitive process, the council has secured £17m from the UK government to fund an overall investment of £22m in six Holyhead regeneration projects.

Visit the Holyhead Levelling Up pages

Digital/smart towns

Anglesey County Council is supporting a scheme being led by Menter Môn to provide public WiFi in Anglesey town centres, and other digital initiatives are planned.

Town Centre ‘Place Making’ (PMG) Scheme

Isle of Anglesey County Council has secured Welsh Government PMG capital resources to co-fund

  • supporting owners to create modern residential accommodation units in town centres
  • redevelopment of the derelict Beaumaris Social Club site to create new social housing
  • supporting the Hwb Mencap and Canolfan Glanhwfa projects in Llangefni
  • redevelopment of the semi-derelict Plas Alltran building to create four apartments
  • enabling other projects to address problematic empty commercial town centre premises

We are investigating the option of setting up a new town centre Commercial Property Improvement Grant in the future.

Tackling problematic town centre premises

With Welsh Government support, the council is working to tackle problematic town centre premises.

We will seek to do so in co-operation with owners, but if necessary, relevant enforcement or compulsory measures may be taken in the wider public interest.

Examples of problematic long-empty premises addressed by the council include Holyhead Market Hall, Plas Alltran, and Beaumaris Social Club. 

UK Shared Prosperity funding

It is possible that Anglesey town centres may be able to access some funds from the new Shared Prosperity Fund announced by the UK Government in March 2021.