Isle of Anglesey County Council

Making a Freedom of Information (FOI) request

Requests for information should be submitted by post to the Corporate Information Officer (Legal Section at

Alternatively, you can submit your request by filling in our online form.

Requesting information

When requesting information please include the following details:

  • your name and address
  • daytime contact number/email
  • the information/documents you require (If the information is in the Publication Scheme please quote the publication reference number)
  • please provide as full a description as possible of the information you require and make the information as specific as possible
  • the way you would like the information sent to you if in hard copy or email etc
  • if a charge is shown for a publication please enclose your payment with the request

If you make a request, you must be informed:

  • whether the council has that information
  • and, if it does (and it is not exempt), you must be supplied with the information within twenty working days