Isle of Anglesey County Council

Application for new members to join Independent Education Appeal Panels

The Isle of Anglesey County Council is inviting applications for new members to join their Independent Education Appeal Panels.

Each panel is made up of three members who are independent of the Local Authority. The task of a Panel is to hear and decide parents’ appeals either against the exclusion of a pupil, or refusal of admission of their child to their preferred school. By law the Panel must include lay members and members with education experience.

Expressions of interest are invited from people of all backgrounds as the panel is made up of lay members and those with experience in education. A Lay Member is a person without personal experience in the management or provision of education in any school (disregarding experience as a school governor or in another voluntary capacity). Panels dealing with Admission Appeals must also have a member with experience in education (a person who is familiar with education conditions in the local authority’s area or is a parent of a registered pupil at a school). Panels dealing with Exclusion Appeals must also have a School Governor Member and an Education practitioner.

The work is unpaid but travel expenses are met and training will be provided.

If you are interested, please complete and return the application form to by the 17th of February.

Please find relevant information attached:

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