Isle of Anglesey County Council

Welsh in business

A quality Welsh service helps companies create a good impression.

The Council works with local businesses, particularly in areas such as tourism and leisure, to provide guidance on giving the Welsh language a prominent platform in their activities. For start-ups or existing businesses, in whatever field, support is available.

Support to increase the Welsh language in your business or charity

The organisations below offer support in terms of resources or translation. Browse through them to take advantage of their expertise.

  • Helo Blod - Free translation service.
  • Menter Môn – A not-for-profit social enterprise that delivers a range of schemes throughout Wales, with a primary focus on Ynys Môn and Gwynedd.
  • Bwrlwm Arfor - An enterprise that looks to use enterprise and economic development to support the Welsh heartlands and, thereby, maintain the language.
  • Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru - A national body that leads, develops and promotes professional translation.
  • Welsh Language Commissioner - Promotes and facilitates the use of Welsh so that Wales can be a country where people can live their lives in Welsh.
  • LearnWelsh – Welsh language learning courses

Useful websites

If you're running a business or want to start a business from scratch, there are a number of places you can turn to for help.