Isle of Anglesey County Council

Isle of Anglesey County Council Constitution

The Constitution provides an important means of enabling councillors, officers, citizens and stakeholders to understand how the council makes decisions and who is responsible for those decisions.

The Constitution is at the heart of the local authority’s business. It allocates power and responsibility within the local authority, and between it and others. For example, it delegates authority to act to individual officers. It also regulates the behaviour of individuals and groups through codes of conduct, protocols and standing orders.

Note: The reference throughout this Constitution to a 'day' excludes Saturdays, Sundays, Bank Holidays, ad hoc public holidays and official council holidays (which holidays include the period between Christmas and New Year plus St David’s Day). 

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Part 1: Summary and Explanation

Index of contents

1.1 The Council's Constitution

1.2 What’s in the Constitution?

1.3 How the Council operates

1.4 How Decisions are Made

1.5 Scrutiny

1.6 The Council’s Staff

1.7 Citizens’ Rights

Part 6: Scheme of Members' Allowances

Index of contents

1.0 Basic Salary

2.0 Senior Salaries and Civic Salaries

3.0 Election to Forgo Entitlement to Allowance

4.0 Suspension of a Member

5.0 Repayment of salaries, allowances or fees

6.0 Payments

7.0 Contributions towards costs of care and personal assistance

8.0 Family Absence

9.0 Sickness absence for senior salary holders

10.0 Job Share arrangements

11.0 Co-optees’ payments

12.0 Travel and Subsistence Allowances - General Principles

13.0 Travel by Private Vehicle

14.0 Travel by Public Transport

15.0 Overnight Accommodation

16.0 Subsistence Allowance

17.0 Claims and Payments

18.0 Pensions

19.0 Compliance

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