Isle of Anglesey County Council

School Streets consultation

Isle of Anglesey County Council has carried out a study to look at delivering a School Streets scheme across all 44 schools in Anglesey. 

Two schools have now been prioritised as suitable for the scheme. The schools are:

  • Ysgol Gynradd Amlwch
  • Ysgol Gymuned Y Fali

The next stage is to carry out a public consultation for both schools.

We now want the views of the local community.

What is a School Streets scheme?

A School Streets scheme is an initiative aimed at improving safety, air quality, and overall wellbeing around schools.

It involves temporarily restricting motor vehicle access to the streets near a school during drop-off and pick-up times.

This makes sure that there is a safer and calmer environment for children to walk, cycle, or scoot to school. 

Welsh Government is eager to support the development and implementation of School Streets initiatives.

When is a School Street operational?

The operational times for the road closure would be during school drop-off and pick-up times:

  • 8am to 9am
  • 2:30pm to 4pm

Monday to Friday, during term-time only.

The road will remain open to traffic outside of these times.

How it works

During the road closure, a barrier will be in place to prevent people from driving through the closure during the operational times.

These temporary restrictions will not apply to residents / business premises along any roads within the closure, emergency services, school transport, blue badge holders, deliveries, and carers of residents.

Have your say

Make sure you find out more about the School Streets scheme. (This link will open a new tab in your browser)

There are 2 online questionnaires. 

Parents and children

Go to the online questionnaire (opens a new tab) for the School Streets parents and children questionnaire - link opens a new tab

Residents and businesses

Go to the online questionnaire (opens a new tab) for the School Streets residents and businesses questionnaire - link opens a new tab

Closing date

The questionnaires will close on 28 March at 5pm.

Drop-in sessions

An informal drop-in session is planned for each school selected for the scheme. This will give interested residents the opportunity to get more information, learn more about the School Streets initiative and ask any questions they may have.

This is an informal drop-in session rather than a public meeting, and you are welcome to attend at any time during the session.

Ysgol Gymuned Y Fali

4 March, 4pm until 6pm

Ysgol Gynradd Amlwch

5 March, 3:15 until 5:30pm

What happens next

Following completion of the consultation, one of the schools will be chosen for a School Streets scheme trial. This will start in early 2025.

Why your feedback is vital

The chosen school will be selected based on the feedback received as well as the results of the individual assessments . This means your feedback is vital to the process.

The length of the trial will be decided after the consultation.

At this stage, there is no funding available to deliver additional School Street schemes across the Isle of Anglesey. Funding will be sought based on the impact of the trial.