Isle of Anglesey County Council

Modernising Learning Communities and Developing the Welsh Language Strategy: consultation

This consultation ended 18 May 2023

Original consultation

The council is conducting a public consultation on the ‘Modernising Learning Communities and Developing the Welsh Language Strategy’.

Consultation period: 31 March to 5pm, 18 May 2023.

The strategy

The strategy is available to download on this page.

Please read the strategy before completing the questionnaire.

The file may not be suitable if you are using assistive technology. If you need a more accessible version, please email and tell us the format you need.

If you want hard copies of any document please email:

or contact:

Arwyn Hughes
Human Resource and Transformation Service
Council Offices
LL77 7TW



Go to online questionnaire - link opens a new tab

Other ways to complete the questionnaire

You can download the Word document 'Response form' on this page. The details of how you can send the Word form to us are listed at the end of the form.

All documents are also available in Welsh / Mae pob dogfen hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg.

The file may not be suitable if you are using assistive technology. If you need a more accessible version, please email and tell us the format you need.