Isle of Anglesey County Council

Anglesey Telecare Services

The Telecare Service is designed to enable older people, people with disabilities or vulnerable people to remain living independently, safely, securely and with dignity within their own homes.

Telecare provides the means to monitor lifestyles and real time emergencies via the use of automatic sensors in the home and a telephone link to the Care Connect call centre.

The basic package contains the 'lifeline' unit and a personal trigger that can raise a call anywhere in the home or garden within a 300 metre radius at a press of a button. There are also environmental and personal care sensors available, including epilepsy sensors, bed occupancy sensors, carbon monoxide.

If you would like an assessment or a full list of sensors, please contact us. 

The Telecare service enables older people, people with disabilities or vulnerable adults and children to remain living independently, safely, securely and with dignity within their own homes for as long as possible.

The Telecare service is designed to enable older people, people with disabilities or vulnerable adults and children to remain living independently, safely, securely and with dignity within their own homes for as long as possible. Telecare provides the means to monitor lifestyle and real time emergencies via the use of automatic sensors in the home and a telephone link to the Care Connect monitoring centre.

Special Telecare equipment is installed in the home with sensors designed to monitor and manage the risks associated with independent living such as:

  • environmental problems, like fire a build up of carbon monoxide or an appliance as part of the home being too hot (such as a cooker left on) 
  • personal problems, such as having a fall and being unable to get up, falling at night after getting out of bed, problems with epilepsy or having exited the home at an inappropriate time

The Telecare package is tailored by health or social care professionals along with the Telecare Advisor to suit the client’s individual needs.

A basic installation will consist of a Lifeline, which is the base unit that connects to the call centre via a built in SIM card.

A personal pendant/wrist-worn trigger and smoke detector will also be provided; following a detailed assessment, additional sensors may be recommended and installed.

The sensors are programmed to alert the Care Connect monitoring centre by generating a telephone call from the Lifeline unit. The centre is open on a 24 hour basis all year round. A member of the team will then communicate over a loudspeaker which is transmitted over the Lifeline, this allows for a two-way conversation to a fair distance away from the unit; they will then take appropriate action, such as call a family member, carer or send for the emergency services.

The speed of response and personal service gives complete reassurance and peace of mind.

The costs vary according to the Telecare package provided and the individual’s personal needs.

All costs are inclusive of hire of equipment, 24 hour monitoring, equipment maintenance and installation cost. 

Please see the Council fees and charges information.


Basic package: Basic Telecare package which includes a Lifeline unit, a personal pendant trigger and smoke detector.

Advanced package: Basic Telecare package as above plus any additional environmental sensors and/or any additional personal sensors, such as an epilepsy sensor.

Information on the type of services available from the Telecare Service.