Isle of Anglesey County Council

Mental health services (Llesiant Meddwl Môn)

Isle of Anglesey County Council's mental health service is called Llesiant Meddwl Môn.

Llesiant Meddwl Môn supports you if you are having difficulties with your mental health, because of social factors. 

Llesiant Meddwl Môn is a social work-led service. The service provides support and social care services if you need support with your mental health. 

The team puts you and your carer at the centre of the support.  This works towards a positive and recovery-led approach to serious mental illness. 

Community Mental Health Team

Llesiant Meddwl Môn works closely with Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board’s Community Mental Health Team. This makes sure that there is a connected, joined-up approach to meeting your assessed needs. You may hear this being described as a 'holistic' approach to care.

This may mean targeted support from both teams. Llesiant Meddwl Môn leads on social issues and the Community Mental Health Team leads on health needs, such as medication management.  

Who we support 

  • Adults over 18 years old.
  • People who are an ordinary resident of Anglesey.
  • People who have a substantial mental health need impacting on their day-to-day outcomes.
  • People who are eligible for 117 aftercare.

What we provide 

  • Information, advice and assistance on social care for people with mental health challenges.  This can include guidance and signposting to useful organisations that can give you additional support.
  • Assessment of mental health needs by a dedicated team of social workers to identify targeted support.
  • Personal support services to help people live as independently as possible. 

Contacting us 

Not all people who have mental health difficulties will need to be open to a specialist mental health team.  

You should discuss your health with your doctor (GP) to begin with.  Your GP can help you decide what kind of support you need and introduce you to the right mental health service or support.  

Llesiant Meddwl Môn cannot accept requests on behalf of someone else without their consent.

Ways to get in touch

During office hours

All referrals go through Teulu Môn, our first point of contact for social care services.

Telephone: 01248 725 888

Email: ASDUTY@ynysMô 

Council offices are open Monday to Friday between 8.45am and 5pm. 

Out of hours team

Telephone 01248 353 551 for our out of hours team. 


Support is available from NHS Cymru, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Call 111 and choose option 2. 

You should go to accident and emergency (A&E) or call 999 if you feel that you, or someone else, are in immediate danger. 

Referral pathway into Llesiant Meddwl Môn

Referrals to Llesiant Meddwl Môn can come from:

  • primary carers (such as your GP)
  • the adult social care team
  • other organisations
  • yourself (self referral)
  • Community Mental Health Team (health board)

Referrals that come from the Community Mental Health Team go straight to Llesiant Meddwl Môn (Anglesey council mental health team).

All other referrals must firstly meet secondary care mental health eligibility. Then a referral form is given to Teulu Môn, Anglesey council’s first point of contact for social care services.

The referral is then given to Llesiant Meddwl Môn if the referral is considered appropriate.

Organisations that can support you

If you have anxiety, worry, or low mood that significantly affects your life, it is important to get help and support.

There are groups and organisations in Anglesey that offer help and support with your wellbeing.

All the links in this list will open a new tab in your browser.