Don’t feel that you are wasting people’s time if you ask for advice about anything you have seen or heard.
The social worker’s job is to assess the information they are given and answer any related queries, however small.
You can ring the duty social worker and discuss your concerns.
It may be that they won’t act immediately on your information but will keep a record of it, so that if someone else rings in the future they will know that you have already had concerns.
Similarly, they may have a record of earlier phone calls from other people which, together with your information, will give a picture of a child likely to be suffering harm.
Sometimes it can be very hard to believe that people do terrible things to children. Even experienced social workers come across situations that they find difficult to believe.
Many adults who abuse children are liked and respected by people around them, so that people who learn that they have been ill-treating children feel that they must be mistaken. In this situation, if you stay silent you are protecting the abuser but not the child.