Advice and guidance provided Gorwel for people experiencing domestic abuse.
Gorwel provides a range of support services for older people, people affected by domestic abuse and homelessness.
- Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged and on you at all times. Download apps like Hollie Guard, which is activated by a shake or tap, immediately notifying your chosen contacts, pinpointing your location and sending audio and video evidence directly to their mobile phones.
- Don’t drink alcohol together as this increases the probability of a violent attack. If he or she insists, try and pour some lemonade into your drink. Alcohol reduces your ability to run, defend yourself and escape.
- If you have children, get them to pick a safe room in the house, preferably with a lock on the door and a phone, as well as teach them to dial 999 in an emergency.
- Be extra aware of your surroundings and situations that could make you more vulnerable, for example walking up the stairs, combing your hair, using hair straighteners or cleaning with acid based products.
- If you require help immediately, but can’t talk in safety, dial 999 followed by 55 to indicate that you can’t talk, but need help.
- Live Fear Free Helpline Wales 24hrs 0808 80 10 800 or by text 24/7 on 07860 077333
- Gorwel Gwynedd and Anglesey Domestic Abuse Service 0300 111 2121