Do you suffer from poor broadband connectivity?
Do you want to support a neighbour whose connection to the internet is not as good as yours?
Internet access is increasingly important to the Anglesey countryside, especially due to Covid-19 and the need to work from home.
This is how to act, and it doesn’t cost you a penny!
A number of communities have been able to get to the next stage of the process in their bid to get connected to superfast broadband.
Openreach, who operate the majority of the broadband infrastructure in our area, have run a feasibility review against the costs they would incur in order to connect the properties and businesses to fibre and superfast broadband.
If this is deemed to be feasible, Openreach then pass this onto the Department of Culture, Media and Sport for approval.
This approval has been given for your community so we are now at the crucial stage where we need to get pledges from all the properties that have been identified as being part of that community.
The pledge will not cost you anything, nor will it make you liable for anything.
Pledging is simply a way of agreeing that a voucher can be claimed from the Welsh and UK Governments by Openreach in order to be able to carry out the works i.e. laying fibre, upgrading cabinets, upgrading exchange equipment.
The process only takes a couple of minutes. It doesn’t matter if you already have superfast broadband it is just a way for you to confirm that you want your neighbours to have access to superfast broadband. So that they can have decent access to the internet too.
Pledging can only be done online.
Read the guide below before making your pledge.
Make a pledge
Guide: how to make a pledge for superfast broadband
Step 1
The first question that you need to answer regards the speed of your current connection to the internet at your home/business premises in the area.
If you are not sure, just use this link and select Go.
Step 2
The test will take about a minute to run. At the end of the test, you should see some figures.
Look for the heading 'Download'.
Underneath you will see a figure, such as 73.58mbps which is less than 100Mbps so you can check the Yes box when you are making a pledge.
In other words, you are confirming that the speed of your connection is less than 100Mbps.
Step 3
The next stage asks you to enter your home postcode.
Remember to check the I’m not a robot box as well.
Also, make sure that you enter this in the format LL55 7PQ so enter the space in the middle.
Only communities whose demand-led project has been approved can accept pledges. So if the postcode you enter doesn’t work, this normally means that your address isn’t able to pledge.
You can only pledge once.
If you are running a business from your property whether this is a farm, a bed and breakfast, a consultancy, a dry stone waller, please indicate that this is the case as a pledge from a businesses can be up to £7,000.
Step 4
If your property is able to pledge you will be presented with this screen which shows the name of the demand-led project and how much has been pledged so far.
If your postcode wasn’t valid this means that you are not able to pledge towards the funding of the scheme.
Step 5
Once that you have selected the green button to proceed with your pledge you will be taken to this simple form where you will be asked for your name, address and contact details and whether you run a business from your property.
Remember, if you do run a business from your property please select the Business option.
Remember to check the box below the email address field as well.
It is always wise to read through terms and conditions.
Step 6
Openreach are asking you to agree to subscribe to a service from your chosen internet provider.
They are not obliging you to sign up to a service from themselves or BT only that you will subscribe to an internet service provider.
So, in summary, if you have no intention of subscribing to an internet service provider by the time that the project is complete then we would not recommend that you consider pledging.
Please note that this is not legal advice, nor should it be used in the place of proper legal advice from a suitably qualified practitioner.
Its sole purpose is to provide background information to help communities get connected to superfast broadband using the my community pledge scheme that has been put together by Openreach, with the assistance of the Welsh Government and the UK Government in order to extend superfast broadband coverage.