The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 requires County Councils to lead the coordination of flood risk management for surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses in their area.
The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy begins a new chapter for flood and coastal erosion risk management in Anglesey which will work towards understanding and managing flood risk within the County. It highlights the steps that are to be taken to improve knowledge of flood risk on the island, to work better with organisations and the public towards reducing those risks whilst aiming to balance the need of communities, the economy and the environment. This Strategy will highlight the steps that are to be taken to ensure this happens.
Isle of Anglesey County Council as a Lead Local Flood Authority will principally look to tackle ‘local flood risk’, i.e. flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses such as ditches and streams.
The Isle of Anglesey County Council, has taken steps to identify areas across Anglesey that are at risk of flooding and to collaborate with Flood Risk Management Authorities, stakeholders and the public to share data and resources so as to reduce the risk of flooding.
Main River flooding remains the responsibility of Natural Resources Wales and the Act requires them to develop, maintain and apply a National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy.
An important part of the Local Strategy is to ensure that communities are aware of what risks exist, the Council’s and other Risk Management Authorities’ responsibilities for flood risk and what communities can do to involve themselves. If you have any questions or require any further information, please see our contact details.
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