Isle of Anglesey County Council

Housing Support Grant

Housing Support Grant logoHousing Support Grant Team

Each council in Wales has a Housing Support Grant Team. They monitor, review and develop housing related support services.

Housing-related support

Support means to help you do something, rather than doing it for you.

Examples of support include help:

  • to maintain tenancies
  • with managing money /paying bills
  • with keeping your home safe
  • to access education and employment and keep appointments
  • with setting up benefits and finances
  • to understand and filling in forms
  • to join local community and groups
  • to rebuild relationships
  • to find you suitable accommodation

Floating support

Floating support is a flexible service which helps people secure and maintain their tenancy.

Floating support provides practical support and advice to vulnerable people within their own homes and the community.

Support can be delivered through floating support services or supported accommodation.

Supported accommodation

The purpose of supported accommodation is to enable people to live as independently as possible within their community, with a real focus on social inclusion.

Supported accommodation services include:

  • hostels
  • refuges
  • sheltered housing extra-care accommodation
  • self-contained flats

A tenant would not be living at a supported accommodation property in the first place unless they needed support.

Make a referral to the Housing Support Grant (SPOA)

If you, or someone you know, may be in need of housing related support you can:

  • ask your social worker or health professional, or any other professional from agencies such as housing, probation, education or Department of Works and Pensions to make contact 
  • ask a friend or member of your family to make contact 
  • make contact yourself

When you make a Single Point of Access (SPOA) referral, the Housing Support Grant Team will check your suitability and eligibility.

Your referral will then be sent to the most appropriate support provider.

The support provider will then make contact with you to arrange an assessment.

The level and type of support to be provided will then be agreed between the you and the provider.

Single Pont of Access (SPoA) contact details

Tel: (01248) 752 200

or visit the council offices to speak to an officer:

SPoA Officer
Housing Department
Main Council Offices
LL77 7TW 

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