The National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) is funded by Welsh Government and Public Health Wales (PHW), working in partnership with the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), local authorities, and local health boards.
It targets clients who are at risk of developing chronic disease, providing an opportunity for referrals to access a high quality supervised exercise programme to improved health and well-being.
Aimed at those over 17 years of age, who are not used to being regularly physically active and have a medical condition, the scheme is designed to provide opportunities to exercise that are fun, rewarding and that can be incorporated into everyday life.
The scheme
There are a wide range of activities both gym based and class based to choose from for patients that have been through rehabilitation programme or referred by a health professional such as a GP, nurse, and physiotherapist.
You will be able to access a wide range of opportunities and these will be available between 16 and 32 weeks of the programme, depending on your medical condition.
The benefits
The benefits include:
- the heart and lungs become stronger and more efficient
- muscular strength increases
- joints become stronger
- the onset of osteoporosis can be delayed
- body fat and excess weight may be reduced
- relaxation and sleep might be improved
- being better able to carry out the activities of daily living
- feeling more alert and energetic
- maintaining good posture
- helping to normalize blood pressure
- reduce risk of developing diabetes
- a reduced risk of blood clotting
- reduce depression and anxiety
- improve confidence and self-esteem
For further information, please contact:
Môn Actif 60+ Scheme: Fitness and wellbeing sessions
The Môn Actif 60+ Scheme is offering eight weeks of free fitness sessions at your community centre or village hall.
A qualified coach will deliver a fitness session to suit your needs.
We will pay for instructor costs. We aim to work with 8 community venues between October and December 2023, with another 8 communities in January 2024.
Tell us why your centre deserves a place