Isle of Anglesey County Council

Active Travel Network Map (ATNM)

All local authorities in Wales must map and plan for suitable routes for Active Travel in their local area, known as Active Travel Network Maps (ATNMs).

Go to the Active Travel Network Map for Anglesey

The Welsh Government successfully approved the Isle of Anglesey’s ATNM on 3 August 2022. The Active Travel Network Map user guide provides a step by step guide on how to access and use the online map.

The Active Travel Network Maps background information explains the Active Travel Network Maps and how to interpret them.

For quick and easy access to the maps, PDF versions are available below for each designated locality on Anglesey.

Active Travel Network Maps for each designated locality

Existing routes

Those current walking and cycling routes that already meet Welsh Government active travel standards, meaning they can be readily used to everyday journeys.

Future routes

New routes that the local authority proposes to create in the future, as well as current routes that are planned for improvement to bring them up to the standards.