Isle of Anglesey County Council

Bus timetables

The services and times listed on this website are subject to change at short notice.

Website and journey planner

Traveline Cymru also has a timetable search facility and journey planner.

Go to the Traveline Cymru website (opens a new tab)

Traveline Cymru app

You can download the free Traveline Cymru app from the iPhone App Store (Apple) or Google Play for Android.

The services and times listed on the Traveline Cymru website may be subject to change at short notice.

Call Traveline Cymru

You can call Traveline Cymru on 0800 464 00 00.

Council disclaimer

Isle of Anglesey County Council are not responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience as a result of any inaccuracy.

Some files may not be suitable if you are using assistive technology. If you need a more accessible version, please email and tell us the format you need.