Isle of Anglesey County Council

What is building control?

If you want to carry out building work on a property, find out whether it is subject to the Building Regulations.

Building Control deals with statutory duties under the Building Act 1984, Building Regulations 2010 and associated legislation. The legislation sets out acceptable standards of construction and the service ensures that these standards are met, by checking and approving drawings and calculations as well as inspecting work in progress. We also determine a variety of building regulations applications which include new dwellings, domestic and commercial extensions, change of use and both commercial and industrial developments.

We offer:   

  • pre-application discussions
  • assistance with general enquiries on building regulation matters
  • direct consultation with other departments within the authority on submitted applications
  • advice when dealing with contaminated land
  • consultation with the fire officer when dealing with designated buildings
  • investigation of dangerous structures
  • LANTAC National Type Approval Scheme

The Building Regulations are made under powers provided in the Building Act 1984, and apply in England and Wales.

The current edition of the regulations is ‘The Building Regulations 2010’ (as amended) and the majority of building projects are required to comply with them. They exist to ensure the health and safety of people in and around all types of buildings (i.e. domestic, commercial and industrial). They also provide for energy conservation, and access to and use of buildings.

The Building Regulations contain various sections dealing with definitions, procedures, and what is expected in terms of the technical performance of building work. For example, they:

  • define what types of building, plumbing, and heating projects amount to ‘Building Work’ and make these subject to control under the Building Regulations
  • specify what types of buildings are exempt from control under the Building Regulations
  • set out the notification procedures to follow when starting, carrying out, and completing building work
  • set out the ‘requirements’ with which the individual aspects of building design and construction must comply in the interests of the health and safety of building users, of energy conservation, and of access to and use of buildings

Anyone wanting to carry out building work which is subject to the Building Regulations is required by law to make sure it complies with the regulations

If you want to:

  • put up a new building or extend or alter an existing one
  • provide fittings such as drains or heat-producing appliances
  • provide washing and sanitary facilities or hot water storage
  • install replacement double glazing

then Building Regulations will probably apply. They may also apply to certain changes of use of an existing building, or if your work could have implications for an adjacent property. Please contact us via the link below before commencing any building work, so that we may determine whether the regulations apply.

The primary responsibility for achieving compliance with the regulations rests with the person carrying out the building work.

So if you are carrying out the work personally the responsibility will be yours. If you are employing a builder the responsibility will usually be that firm’s - but you should confirm this position at the very beginning. You should also bear in mind that if you are the owner of the building, it is ultimately you who may be served with an enforcement notice if the work does not comply with the regulations. So it is important that you choose your builder carefully.

A completion certificate is the final part of your Building Regulations application.

You should request that your building control surveyor carries out a final inspection prior to the contractor leaving the site and prior to you finalising payment for the project. Should all works be satisfactory you will receive a completion certificate which can be placed with your deeds for future reference.

Copies of the completion certificate are available but at a standard cost of £60.

If you submit a building notice you can start work on site 48 hours after a notice of commencement has been submitted.

However, the correct ‘charge’ must accompany your notice.

Officers will inspect the work on site to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations.  In particular officers will inspect the following:

  • foundation excavations
  • completed foundations
  • fire protection
  • drainage systems
  • damp proof courses and membrane
  • brickwork and blockwork for walls
  • thermal insulation to walls floors and roofs
  • structural elements
  • weather proofing
  • flues and vents to appliances
  • ventilation
  • staircases, landings and galleries
  • safety glazing
  • access to and use of buildings
  • facilities for disabled people
  • sound proofing
  • electrical safety

We will also carry out inspections to ensure that suitable materials are used and that work covered by the Building Regulations is to a reasonable standard.

The service endeavours to be flexible in its approach during weekdays and whilst most visits will be done between 9am and 5pm customers should contact the office for further advice regarding inspections outside these core hours.  It is advisable that same day inspections requests are arranged with the office before 10am.

Final Inspections must be booked via email only and will be carried out within 5 days of 

Work on site does not need to be strictly as shown on the approved plans.  Minor changes can be agreed with building control officers as the work proceeds as long as the finished work complies with the Building Regulations.  If major changes are needed it may be necessary to submit a fresh application. 

If you make a full plans application, the service will send you an account for the inspection charge after the first site inspection has been made.  The service will submit the bill for the charges promptly so that you can make the necessary arrangements.

The service has a ‘power’ rather than a ‘duty’ to deal with dangerous structures and if you are concerned that a building or structure may be dangerous you should contact the office by email only so that we may investigate the matter.

Where necessary we will make arrangements for the danger to be removed immediately under the close supervision of an experienced building control officer who will ensure that the work is carried out in the most suitable way.

If we need to take this action in respect of your property we will make every effort to contact you first.  If this is not possible, a card will be left at the premises indicating what action has had to be taken and who should be contacted for further advice.

If your property is in a dangerous condition, but is not considered to be an immediate danger, a formal dangerous structure notice will have to be served, but we will give you reasonable time to respond and offer a point of contact for further guidance.

There will be a charge for dealing with dangerous structures to cover any contractor’s charges incurred. Where minor defects are found in properties we will, if possible, carry out an inspection and offer informal advice on the best way of rectifying the problem.

If you fail to remove the danger action will be taken in the magistrates court which will render the owner responsible for incurring the costs for carrying out the work which would be undertaken by the authority.

The Building Control fees are published as a PDF document.