Historic buildings are important asset and need to be protected in order to preserve the built heritage of an area.
The process called ‘listing’ is in place to ensure the protection of buildings which are deemed to be of architectural and historical merit or associated with an important historic event or person.
Buildings can be listed because of age, rarity, architectural merit, and method of construction. The older a building is, the more likely it is to be listed. A relatively modern building would have to be exceptionally important to be listed.
There are different grades for Listed Buildings in Wales. The buildings are graded according to their architectural or historical interest.
Grade I - Buildings of exceptional interest, usually nationally
Grade II* - Buildings which are particularly important and of more than special interest
Grade II - Buildings of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them
In Anglesey there is a wide range of listed buildings including bridges, walls, wells, vernacular cottages, large estate houses and farm buildings. By listing these buildings of historical importance the built heritage of Anglesey has been safeguarded for future generations.
The historic buildings on Anglesey give a sense of identity to the region and show the history of the island and the previous generations who inhabited it. It is important that such buildings are protected in order to preserve the cultural identity of Anglesey.
Listing a building ensures that the architectural and historic merits of a building will be carefully considered before consent is given to carry out any alterations. Any changes that are made to a building must be sympathetic to its original character and design.
Historic and listed buildings advice
The Built and Natural Environment section has a conservation officer who is available to give advice and guidance on historic buildings.
Information is available on whether a building is listed, and if so, what grade. If a building is listed the conservation officer will be able to give advice on what protection the grade provides.
It is strongly recommended that you obtain advice on whether a listed building requires listed building consent for any alterations. If permission is required a pre-application meeting can be arranged to discuss whether the proposed changes are appropriate. The conservation officer will be able to establish whether the changes are sympathetic to the building and do not alter the character.
Advice is also available on whether a building is within a conservation area or an Article 4 Direction area where Permitted Development Rights have been removed (i.e. Beaumaris). If a property does come within these boundaries, advice is available on what changes can be made to a building and whether permission is required.
If you are aware of a building which you feel has historic and architectural merit and are of the opinion that it should be listed you should contact the Built Environment and Landscape Section of the Planning Service who will be able to advise on the correct process.
Listed building consent
Listed building consent must be obtained from the council before carrying out any works to a listed building which will affect its special value for listing purposes. It will almost certainly be necessary for alterations. A change of use of a property is also likely to require listed building consent.
The demolition of a listed building will require listed building consent. This is also the case for any works of extension that may affect the character of a building. There is a presumption in favour of the preservation of listed buildings.
It is a criminal offence to alter a listed building prior to obtaining the statutory listed building consent from the local planning authority. Owners or persons executing works which does not benefit from the appropriate consent may be liable to prosecution.
Before an application for listed building consent is made it is advisable to arrange a meeting with the local authority’s conservation officer to discuss the details of the proposed alterations to a building. Advice can be given in regards to the design and materials to be used in any proposed changes.
The conservation officer will be able to provide advice on whether the proposals are appropriate and sympathetic to the original character of the building. Advice can also be given on what is expected of an application before submitting it to the local planning authority.
If you are not sure whether a building is listed it is recommended that you contact the local planning authority who are statutorily responsible for maintaining the register to the public.
When funding is available CADW may be able to offer grant assistance for the repair or restoration of historic buildings.