Isle of Anglesey County Council

Supplementary Planning Guidance

Following adoption of the JLDP, the Council’s are in the process of preparing a suite of topic based Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG). SPGs expand on the policy principles contained within the JLDP and offers guidance to applicants and Officers when assessing planning applications.

The following document provides fuarther guidance in relation to the Process of preparing Supplementary Planning Guidance:-

Supplementary Planning Guidance (Adopted) - Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan

The following Guidance have been subject to a public consultation period and have been adopted by the Joint Planning Policy Committee.

Guidance nameDocuments

Supplementary Planning Guidance – Housing Mix (October 2018)


Supplementary Planning Guidance – Housing Mix

Supplementary Planning Guidance – Housing Mix – Representation Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance – Housing Mix – Screening Report


Supplementary Planning Guidance –  Open Spaces in New Housing Developments (March 2019)

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Open Spaces in New Residential Developments 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Open Spaces in New Housing Developments - Representation Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Open Spaces in New Housing Developments - Screening Report


Supplementary Planning Guidance – Local Market Housing (March 2019) 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Local Market Housing 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Local Market Housing  - Representation Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Local Market Housing  - Screening Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Affordable Housing (April 2019)

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Affordable Housing (April 2019)

Addendum - Appendix 4 - Anticipated price of intermediate house for sale (2021)

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Affordable Housing - Representation Report 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Affordable Housing - Screening Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance – Replacement Dwellings and Conversions in the Countryside (September 2019)

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Replacement Dwellings and Conversions in the Countryside (April 2019)

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Replacement Dwellings and Conversions in the Countryside - Representation Report 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Replacement Dwellings and Conversions in the Countryside - Screening Report 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Planning Obligations

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Planning Obligations 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Planning Obligations - Screening Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Planning Obligations - Consultation Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Maintaining and Creating Distinctive and Sustainable Communities 

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Maintaining and Creating Distinctive and Sustainable Communities July 2019

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Maintaining and Creating Distinctive and Sustainable Communities - Representation Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Maintaining and Creating Distinctive and Sustainable Communities - Screening Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Change of use of community facilities and services, employment sites and retail units


Supplementary Planning Guidance - Change of use of community facilities and services, employment sites and retail units


Supplementary Planning Guidance - Representation Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Screening report

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Tourism Accommodation and Facilities

Supplementary Planning Guidance- Tourism Accommodation and Facilities (final)

Supplementary Planning Guidance- Tourism Accommodation and Facilities - Screening Statement

Supplementary Planning Guidance- Tourism Accommodation and Facilities - Final Consultation Report

Supplementary Planning Guidance (Adopted) –  previous development plans 

Together with the Councils decision to adopt the JLDP it was decided that the Supplementary Planning Guidance which had been adopted to support the previous Development Plans should remain, where appropriate, as material planning consideration in determining planning applications, until they are replaced by a new SPG or withdrawn.

The following Supplementary Planning Guidance are of relevance when deciding on planning application in the Isle of Anglesey Local Planning Authority Area:-

  • Holiday Accommodation
  • Hot Food Take Away Establishments
  • NW Regional Planning Guidance
  • Parking Standards
  • Onshore Wind Energy 2013
  • Design in the Urban and Rural Built Environment