Every child and young person is unique, and each requires support to become an effective individual.
Some children learn more easily than others. We must ensure that they receive the appropriate support to reach their full potential.
If a child has any difficulty in learning, they may have a special educational need (SEN). If you believe that your child has any difficulty, it is important that you share your concern with an appropriate professional person.
If your child is not yet of school age, you can speak to your:
- health visitor
- GP
- early years practitioner (in your playgroup or nursery)
If your child attends school, you can speak to their:
- class teacher
- headteacher
- or ask for the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
If you find it difficult to talk to school staff or anyone else who works with your child for any reason, you can contact SNAP Cymru for support and impartial advice via the link or by phoning 01248 674 999.
Additional learning needs: what are the changes?
The support available to young people under the age of 25 who need additional help to enable them to progress according to their ability is being reviewed.
Isle of Anglesey Council and Gwynedd Council are now collaborating to create an overall Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion Strategy for both local education authorities.
Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion website