The Gwynedd and Anglesey Secondary Schools Counselling Service can offer help with many of the emotional problems or issues facing young people such as:
- sadness
- confidence
- bulling
- hurting
- grieving
- happiness
- confusion
- bitterness
- depression
- anger
- worrying
- fear
- wanted to be respected
- an opportunity to speak to an independent person
- help to deal with emotional problems
- develop self-awareness
- help understanding and dealing with negative emotions
- a source of personal empowerment and resourcefulness
In order to receive counselling from a trained counsellor young people will have to be referred (be recommended by a person in authority to have counselling by a professional) or self-refer themselves. Please see below for ways of being referred
- A young person may approach a member of staff at his or her school and be referred by them through the schools link person
- a young person may get a referral by agencies such as TAP / schools welfare officers or school nurse
- by any other professionals working with pupils in schools
- or young people may refer themselves
Remember, if you feel like you want to talk to an adult about your problems can discuss them with a person in authority at your school (such as a teacher or school nurse). You can do this with confidentiality and in private without having to be referred to the Counselling Service.
All matters discussed between the Counsellor and the young persons are completely confidential. It is only with the young person’s consent that issues may be discussed outside the counselling session. There is no necessity to seek parental consent for young people over the age of 14 if the person is deemed to be Gillick Competent ( for counselling. The only instances where the information must be disclosed are:
- if the young person is in any danger
- if the young person has threatened to harm themselves or any other person.