Isle of Anglesey County Council

About school admissions

Isle of Anglesey County Council ('the local authority') is the admissions authority in respect of the 5 secondary schools and 36 of the 38 primary schools in Anglesey.

The relevant governing body is the admissions authority in respect of the one voluntary aided school (St Mary’s School, Holyhead), and the one foundation school (Ysgol Caergeiliog).

Apply for each child

There must be an application made for all children requiring a mainstream school place. You will not be considered for a place unless an application is made.

You must still apply even if it is your catchment area school with siblings already in the school, although they will be given a higher priority.

No guarantee 

There is no guarantee of a place for your child at any particular school, even if:

  • it is your catchment area school
  • your other children attend that school

They will be given a higher priority though.

Information for Parents handbook

The 'Information for Parents' handbook gives information for parents about Isle of Anglesey County Council's ('local authority') school policies and arrangements for:

  • admission of pupils
  • curriculum
  • language policy
  • transport
  • welfare
The file may not be suitable if you are using assistive technology. If you need a more accessible version, please email and tell us the format you need.

School Admissions Policy

Isle of Anglesey County Council's School Admissions Policy aims to establish arrangements that:

  • are clear, objective and give every child a fair chance of a satisfactory school place
  • provide full information for an informed choice
  • ensure local admission procedures which are well coordinated and easy to follow with minimum bureaucracy and which give parents the opportunity of having their school preference met
  • give an effective statutory right of appeal if parents are dissatisfied

You can download the policy for the current academic year and the following academic year.

Some files may not be suitable if you are using assistive technology. If you need a more accessible version, please email and tell us the format you need.

Questions and answers about school admissions

We have created a list of questions you may have about school admissions, together with the answers. 

Legal framework for school admissions

School Standards and Framework Act 1998

The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and related regulations establish a legal framework for school admissions. It is the intention of the framework to establish arrangements that:

  • are clear, objective and give every child a fair chance of a satisfactory school place
  • give full information for an informed choice
  • ensure local admission procedures which are well co-ordinated and easy to follow with minimum bureaucracy and which give parents the opportunity of having their school preference met
  • give an effective statutory right of appeal if parents are dissatisfied

In accordance with Section 84 of the 1998 Act (as amended by Section 40 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006), Welsh Government has published a School Admissions Code which gives guidelines to admission authorities in respect of undertaking their admissions functions in respect of admissions from July 2013.

The Anglesey Schools Admissions Policy is based on this code. You can download the Anglesey Schools Admissions Policy for 2024 to 2025 and the policy for 2025 to 2026 on this webpage.

Equality Act 2010, Human Rights Act 1998, and the Rights of the Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011

The Anglesey primary and secondary schools admissions policy complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998, and the Rights of the Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011, and does not discriminate on the grounds of:

  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex or sexual orientation

against a person in the arrangements and decisions it makes as to who is offered admission as a pupil.

Applications for admission in respect of children with special educational needs but without statements will be considered on the same basis as other applicants.