Isle of Anglesey County Council

About school meals

What school meals provide

The school meals service, operated by Chartwells, is provided at lunchtime in all schools, with a morning break provided in secondary schools and breakfast in all primary schools. A hot midday meal is available to all primary school pupils at no cost, with all students from reception to year 6 eligible.

Chartwells provide a nutritionally balanced compliant menu for pupils and all menus meet the Healthy Eating in Schools (Nutritional Standards and Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2013, which are approved by the Welsh Local Government Association’s Food in Schools Manager.

  • Our school kitchens follow a 3-week menu cycle designed with the help of the WLGA to create healthy, exciting meals and to encourage healthy lifestyles. Menus are updated twice a year to ensure a seasonal and appropriate menu for the winter and summer periods.
  • A two-course menu is available in primary schools. The main meal includes a hot main meal of the day, a vegetarian option, jacket potatoes & toppings, and homemade pasta & tomato sauce are also available.
  • Water, salad, freshly baked bread, yoghurt and fresh fruit are available every day.
  • The secondary school food offer includes a hot main meal, vegetarian options and delicious ‘grab n go’ type dishes for our busy young people. Our offer remains nutritionally compliant and appropriate for the busy lives our students lead. Some of our pupils may be eligible for free school meals. 

Benefits of eating a school meal

The food and drink provided in schools can make a positive contribution towards giving children and young people a healthy balanced diet and encouraging them to develop good eating habits. The aim is to achieve a whole-school approach towards healthy eating and to encourage healthy attitudes to food and drink from an early age. This is in line with the Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience within the new Curriculum for Wales.

Other benefits of having a school meal include:

  • Saving time in the mornings by not having to prepare lunch, plus there is no worry about keeping the food fresh and hygienic until lunchtime.
  • School meals offering fresh vegetables, salads and fruit which will contribute towards your child's ‘5 a day’.
  • Sitting down and eating together at a table helps develop social skills and table manners; pupils are also encouraged to try new foods.
  • We hold regular theme days throughout the school year plus a celebratory two course Christmas lunch in December.
  • Children who eat a balanced, healthy diet are more likely to be alert in class and have more energy to enjoy an active lifestyle.

Pupils bringing sandwiches

Provision is made at school. Fresh tap water, laying out facilities such as tables and chairs and clearing and cleaning services as with a normal service are provided to pupils who choose to bring their own food. Schools are encouraged to let the pupils who bring packed lunches sit with those who have school meals. More information about free school meals.


The price is £2.95 per meal in secondary schools. In Anglesey we operate a cashless system. ParentPay is our chosen system to collect school meal payments, where you can pay for meals, check your balance and more.