Isle of Anglesey County Council

Breaks for carers

Carers have the right to receive a meaningful break from caring in order to provide relief from caring responsibilities and the opportunity to improve their quality of life. This may include the opportunity to go shopping, to visit or pursue any other leisure / recreational, educational or training activities.

There are various services available to help you under such circumstances. Our aim is to arrange and provide flexible support services form a range of different approved providers at any time of the day, at weekends and sometimes during the night. Respite care at home or in a residential or nursing home can be provided to care for your dependent relative / friend if you need a break from caring or if you are going away on holiday.

You have the right to receive direct payments from the Local Authority in order to provide you with the means to purchase support services yourself in accordance with assessed needs.

Staff undertaking the assessment or the Reviewing Officer can provide you with further information and advice and a list of approved agencies which can provide support services.

Under the Carers Strategy in Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government funding has enabled the development of the following services.

  • support services and recreational breaks from caring through the  Carers Outreach Service
  • day care for people with dementia during the week and at weekends through Age Cymru Gwynedd a Môn
  • flexible support services to provide meaningful breaks from caring through the Social Services Department and a range of other approved providers
  • care and support services through  Crossroads Care (North Wales)
  • support services through Hafal Family Support Services for carers of people with Mental Health needs
  • support services for carers of people with dementia through the  Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Alzheimer’s Society
  • overnight and weekend breaks for parents of children and young people with disabilities and or long term illness
  • support and leisure breaks for young carers through the NCH Young Carers Project (please contact Social Services for more information)

You can register yourself as a carer with the  Carers Outreach Service in order to receive information on the services available and to benefit form meeting other carers and sharing experiences. The Carers Outreach Service can provide the following.

Information, advice and support on caring in general and;

  • social and leisure activities to provide you with a break from caring
  • advice on looking after your own health and wellbeing
  • training events and therapeutic activities
  • support groups available on Anglesey
  • help to arrange care for your dependent relative / friend whilst you attend any other activities

The  Carers Outreach Service also organise a carers’ forum on Anglesey to enable you to have a voice in planning and developing services and provide you with:

  • someone to talk to
  • information about breaks/respite and other support services
  • help to access employment, training and leisure
  • training opportunities
  • help with accessing welfare benefits
  • a regular newsletter
  • access to a wide variety of books, leaflets and publications
  • support and advocacy in obtaining other help you need

The  Expert Patient Programme for carers provides advice on how to ensure that as a carer you have some free time to meet your own needs. It aims to assist cares to establish greater control of their time to pursue their own leisure, social educational and employment opportunities, and in so doing, enhance their quality of life.

Our Emergency Out of Hours Team provides an emergency response to a social care crisis outside of normal office hours, on bank holidays and at weekends.

Telephone 01248 353551