The council is legally required to complete a childcare sufficiency assessment (CSA) as a statutory duty of the Childcare Act 2006.
The CSA is the tool by which local authorities can review the supply and need for childcare in this area and thereby highlight gaps in provision and address them where possible. In addition to this, local authorities are required to have regard to 'Wales: a play friendly country' when carrying out a play sufficiency assessment (PSA).
What is a childcare sufficiency assessment (CSA)?
A childcare sufficiency assessment compares the supply of childcare in an area to the demand for childcare.
Demand for childcare is based on the number of children in the area, and the average national usage. By comparing supply with demand, we can see whether there is a need for more childcare in an area.
What is a play sufficiency asessment (PSA)?
The play sufficiency assessment should present data about the number of children living in the local authority to enable an assessment of their potential play requirements.
The data should provide information about the numbers of children in different categories that may affect their play requirements.
Objective outcomes and main themes
CSA actions 2022 to 2027
After school childcare
- Support parents to return to employment or enhance their employability through training or studying.
- Support the development of more after school Childcare opportunities and after school clubs.
Longer opening times
- Support Childcare Providers to achieve longer opening times.
CCLDP transitions
- Develop an early years and childcare profession recruitment and retention strategy (pan-Wales issue).
Childcare offer for 2 year olds
- Localised demand and Welsh government incentive to extend part-time offer for 2 year olds.
Additional learning needs (ALN)
- To promote equality of access for all children, supporting the provision of Childcare for Children with Additional Learning Needs.
Welsh provision
- Continue to prioritise Cymraeg yn Gyntaf (Welsh First) and build the Welsh language in childcare settings.
- Continue to promote funded childcare programmes and opportunities such as tax-free childcare and 30 hour childcare offer.
Childcare availability
- Work in partnership with relevant departments and outside agencies to consult on housing development to ensure sufficient childcare is available locally.
- Promote childminding as a work opportunity and support training to extend childminding provision.
PSA actions 2022 to 2025
Street play
- Promote safer, cleaner streets for street play.
- Promote safer walking/cycling routes – work in partnership with relevant departments and outside agencies to reduce speed limits.
Partnership working
- Continue to develop work in partnership with relevant departments and outside to achieve the best outcomes for the play sufficiency assessment.
- Develop safer play space and more activities for LGBTQIA communities.
Recruitment, training and qualifications
- Support the development and provision of more training in play for schools and lunchtime supervisors.
- Support the development and provision of more qualified staff (L3 Playworks).
- Support Out of School Childcare workforce needs to grow and retain qualified staff.
Open play spaces
Open space assessment to be updated.
See the documents
Send an email to if you want a copy of the:
- Childcare Sufficiency Assessment for Anglesey
- Play Sufficiency Assessment for Anglesey