Isle of Anglesey County Council

Decision letter: Ysgol Carreglefn and Ysgol Llanfechell

06 June 2024

Dear Parents / Stakeholders, 

On Thursday 23 May 2024, the Executive approved the proposal to:

  • Transfer pupils from Ysgol Carreglefn to Ysgol Llanfechell and close Ysgol Carreglefn from 31 August 2024. 
  • Authorise officers to issue notice of the final decision in the form of a decision letter (in accordance with the School Organisation Code 011/2018).
  • To extend the catchment area of Ysgol Llanfechell to incorporate the current catchment area of Ysgol Carreglefn

The Statutory Notice to close Ysgol Carreglefn was published on 1 March 2024, and the objection period ended on 2 April 2024. A total of 8 objections were received to the proposal.

In accordance with the School Organisation Code 2018, the Executive considered the objections, and the original proposal was adopted. In deciding on the proposal, the Executive was satisfied that the proposal would be expected to deliver the following benefits:

  • The proposal could maintain the current standards at Ysgol Llanfechell, which would be at least equivalent to the standards at Ysgol Carreglefn.
  • There would be less variation in the age ranges taught in classes, allowing more opportunities for pupils from Carreglefn to work with other pupils of the same age, and access a broader and more balanced curriculum.
  • Surplus places at Ysgol Carreglefn could be removed, and surplus places at Ysgol Llanfechell could be reduced.
  • The variation in cost per pupil across all Anglesey schools could reduce significantly.
  • The proposal is estimated to deliver a revenue saving of £126k per annum.
  • The proposal is estimated to reduce Carbon emissions by 12.6 tCO2e per annum.
  • A greater percentage of the Delegated Schools Budget could be allocated on teaching, with fewerresources being allocated towards maintaining and running buildings.
  • Current and projected maintenance cost could be reduced by £317,350. There could be fewer buildings for the Authority to maintain in future years, which may contribute towards better strategic management of the future school estate.

The reasons for the decision in respect of the factors outlined in the School Organisation Code are as follows:

Quality and Standards of Education

The Authority will take all practicable steps to minimise disruption to pupils in all schools, by working closely with the headteacher and the relevant governing body. Additional support will be provided, if necessary, to assist pupils with the transition. The proposal is expected to at least maintain the attainment/results of all pupils, regardless of their background. 

The need for spaces and the effect on accessibility to schools

There will be sufficient capacity at Ysgol Llanfechell to accommodate pupils from Llanfechell and Carreglefn. The Council has drawn attention to the fact that some pupils will travel further to the school. Transport is provided from home to school for pupils in accordance with the Council's Transport Policy. As the catchment area of Ysgol Llanfechell will be extended to incorporate the current catchment of Ysgol Carreglefn, pupils living within the current catchment of Ysgol Carreglefn (and who will be attending Ysgol Llanfechell) are likely to be eligible to free school transport in accordance with the Council’s Transport Policy. Ysgol Llanfechell will continue to be a Welsh medium category 3 community school (the same as Ysgol Carreglefn).

Education resources and financial implications

No capital cost is associated with the proposal. The proposal is expected to deliver a revenue saving of approximately £126k per annum and will reduce current and projected maintenance costs by approximately£317k. The proposal will also significantly reduce the variation in cost per pupil between primary schools on Anglesey.

Specific factors in the consideration of school closures

Various options were considered by the Executive prior to deciding to proceed with the published proposal.Transferring pupils to Ysgol Llanfechell and closing Ysgol Carreglefn was assessed to be the option which best addresses the key challenges facing Ysgol Carreglefn. Ysgol Llanfechell will be expected to continue to run a breakfast club, and community activities. The Council are still committed to working with the community in Carreglefn with a view to providing an opportunity to secure the long-term future of the Carreglefn school building as a community resource if required. 

Presumption against the closure of rural schools

The Council has clearly identified the reasons why change is required, the main reason being pupil numbers falling to 5 from September 2024 onwards. All reasonable alternatives were properly explored, and each alternative was assessed in terms of likely impact on quality and standards in education, the community and travelling arrangements. The analysis showed that there were some positive and negative effects, however this option overall has a positive effect on quality and standards in education, the community and travelling arrangements.


Ysgol Carreglefn will officially close as an educational setting on 31 August 2024. Pupils will automatically be enrolled at Ysgol Llanfechell for the 2024/25 academic year unless parents have applied for their child to attend another school.

Referral of Local Authority Decision to the Welsh Ministers

Under section,54 of the 2013 Act, where proposals have been approved by a local authority, the following bodies may within 28 days refer the proposal to the Welsh Ministers for consideration:

  • Another local authority affected by the proposals
  • The appropriate religious body
  • The governing body of a voluntary or foundation school
  • A trust holding property on' behalf of a voluntary or foundation school.
  • A further education institution affected by the proposal.

The bodies making the referral will need to set out why they believe that the decision reached by the Local Authority is wrong.

Yours sincerely,

Marc Berw Hughes
Director of Education, Skills and Young People