Isle of Anglesey County Council

Chinese artist and author inspired by Kyffin to deliver memorial lecture

A Chinese artist and author inspired by Sir Kyffin Williams will deliver his 12th Annual Memorial Lecture at Oriel Môn next month.

In a first for the Sir Kyffin Williams Trust, Dr Qing Chao Ma (aka Anita Ma) will be the first Chinese artist to lecture on his work, since the memorial lectures began in 2009.

Dr Qing Chao Ma is a graduate of and a former lecturer in painting at the Xi’an Academy of Fine Art in the People’s Republic of China –Xi’an, the city of the unforgettable Terracotta warriors. She is an author and artist with the work varying from western style oil painting to traditional Chinese imagery in ink on paper.

Dr Qing Chao Ma first saw Sir Kyffin’s paintings in London in 2007 in the Royal Academy. She was truly inspired and subsequently studied his work at Oriel Môn in Llangefni and at the National Library in Aberystwyth.

In 2018, Wales and the world celebrated Sir Kyffin’s centenary, and as a part of the celebrations, Dr Qing Chao Ma published her book on the work of Sir Kyffin. The book, in Mandarin was launched at the Academy of Fine Art in Xi’an in April 2018. Following the lecture at Oriel Môn on May 13th, the English edition of this book will be launched and Dr Qing Chao Ma will be signing her book.

Dr Qing Chao Ma, who lives in Colchester, in Essex said: “I believe that art knows no boundaries, good art should be promoted world-wide to let more people benefit from it. This is why I am keen on Sir Kyffin’s work; he is a true artist.”

David Meredith, Chairman of the Sir Kyffin Williams Trust added; “As Trust members, we are delighted that Dr Qing Chao Ma accepted our invitation to deliver the annual Sir Kyffin lecture. We look forward to sharing her enthusiasm for the work of Wales’ greatest 20th century artist who has inspired us all – John Kyffin Williams RA.”

The 12th annual Sir Kyffin Williams Memorial Lecture will be held at Oriel Môn in Llangefni on Friday, May 13th at 7.00pm.

Tickets are £6 and are available from Oriel Môn’s reception desk. For further information call (01248) 724444 or email:


Ends 26.04.22