Isle of Anglesey County Council

Electric vehicle charging points proving popular on Anglesey

Rapid electrical vehicle (EV) charging points installed by the county council are proving popular with residents and visitors.

The dual head EV charging points were installed in August 2022 at the following car parks:


Noddfa Car Park LL68 9ET


Victora Rd Car Park, LL65 1UD


Station Yard LL77 7ND

Town Hall LL77 7LR

Menai Bridge

Library car park LL59 5AS

During the last 12 months they have been used nearly 5,000 times – providing enough charge for 390,768 miles of travel - the equivalent of travelling around the Earth 15 times. This has prevented 75 tonnes of carbon from being released into the atmosphere.

The county council had secured funding from Welsh Government’s Ultra Low Electric Vehicle (ULEV) Fund for four of the charging points. Internal funding was also used to secure an extra EV point at a fifth location. The project actively supports the authority’s goal to reach net zero status by 2030.

Highways, Property and Waste Portfolio holder, Councillor Dafydd Rhys Thomas said, "We’re committed to helping provide access to EV charging points for residents and visitors across the island. The council is working to develop a network of car charging points in key locations and destinations to facilitate the use of electric vehicles.”

“As a council we continue to look at ways of reducing the communities transport carbon emissions and we’re eager to see more charging points installed all around the island.”

Planning, Public Protection and Climate Change Portfolio holder, Councillor Nicola Roberts added, "Protecting the future of our environment is a key priority. Developing new car charging infrastructure will support the transition to electric vehicles and prevent a large amount of carbon pollution from being released on Anglesey.”

Anglesey Council’s Head of Highways, Waste and Property, Huw Percy explained, “The council has a target of being a net zero carbon authority by 2030. Responding to climate change is a strategic priority within the Council Plan 2023-2028. Developing a charging network across Anglesey is one of the projects that supports this priority.”

Anglesey Council’s Climate Change Manager, Rhys Williams elaborated, “We also have a Towards Net Zero Plan (2022-25) in place which outlines our aims and actions required to achieve this goal.”

The “Towards Net Zero Plan” notes that significantly reducing overall emissions from vehicles is a priority, with further investment being committed to transition our own fleet of vehicles from fossil fuel to ultra-low carbon vehicles (such as hydrogen or electric). As electric vehicles become more frequently used by the council and the general public, investment in the charging infrastructure will be key to their sustainability.

The council plans to continue to extend its network and provide more new charging points on the island.

You can find the council's current charging points on the Zap Map website.

Further information about electric charging is also available on our website.