Realising the aspirations of Anglesey’s Energy Island Programme (EIP) is vital to secure a future green economic recovery in the wake of Coronavirus.
The first virtual meeting of EIP Strategic Forum held last week highlighted the programme’s potential as a driver for a low carbon socio-economic recovery on Anglesey, regionally, nationally and across the UK. The potential developments are all aligned with the current policies and priorities of UK Government, Welsh Government, and the North Wales Economic Ambition Board.
The need for accelerated decision-making and capital investment in projects was also highlighted as the Forum’s members heard that the number of residents receiving ‘out of work benefits’, on Anglesey alone, had almost doubled between March and May as the virus tightened its grip (1,335 in March to 2,615 in May 2020).
The Anglesey Energy Island™ Programme is a collective effort between public, private and third sector stakeholders to put the county at the forefront of low carbon energy research and development, production and servicing, and bringing with it potentially huge economic rewards.
Anglesey’s Deputy Chief Executive, Dylan Williams, explained, “The County Council established its Energy Island Programme in 2008 and it remains a priority for us today. EIP projects have a key role to play in the local, regional, national and UK recovery – and have the potential to provide significant local employment and supply chain opportunities. Ensuring momentum, especially now when the economy has been hit so hard by Coronavirus, is crucial.
He added, “As a County Council, we continue to discuss the increasingly important role of EIP projects with both Welsh Government and UK Government and engage with potential developers to attract major investment. The potential exists locally for a low carbon economic recovery that will provide meaningful employment and energy for decades”
The EIP Strategic Forum is chaired by Chris Bowbrick, Deputy Director, Nuclear Energy Generation and International, at the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. The virtual meeting provided partners - including Horizon Nuclear Power and Menter Môn - with an opportunity to discuss the impacts of Coronavirus and their recovery plans.
Council Leader, Councillor Llinos Medi, added, “This was a successful first virtual meeting for the EIP Forum and I’d like to thank all those who contributed to the discussion.”
“The forum meeting was vital in terms of understanding the impacts of Coronavirus on potential individual developments and the associated recovery plans. We must remain vigilant considering this terrible pandemic, but there must also be a collective effort to achieve a green economic recovery. Realising the aspirations of the Energy Island Programme represents our best opportunity of achieving this, now more than ever.”
The Energy Island vision is to create a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for jobs, economic growth and prosperity through capitalising on a number of transformational projects on Anglesey.
Ends 31.7.20