Isle of Anglesey County Council

Explore Anglesey this Easter

Anglesey council is encouraging visitors and residents to discover and explore the island this Easter.

Services across the county council have been working collaboratively to put preparations in place to ensure that tourists and local residents are able to enjoy Anglesey as safely as possible.

This includes recently appointing new beach wardens that will be on duty across Anglesey’s busiest beaches and slipways.

Visitor economy and coastal areas manager, Andy Godber, said, “We are very much looking forward to welcoming visitors to the island over the Easter holidays. This will undoubtedly see the Island become busier as tourists return to enjoy our fantastic beaches and stunning natural landscape.”

The county council is urging all visitors and residents to do their research, plan ahead and respect local communities this Easter, this includes:

  • ensure accommodation, camping or caravan sites have been booked before travelling
  • use car parks and spaces, and not private land or highway verges
  • keep to public rights of way and bridleways
  • keep your dog on a lead and under close control around livestock
  • respect the weather, coastline and tides – prepare thoroughly and consider your experience and ability if accessing water
  • Register your boat / jet ski (if using a local authority managed slipway); and adhere to bylaws and codes of conduct on the sea for the safety and protection of wildlife
  • disposing of waste responsibly

Anglesey’s leisure, tourism and maritime portfolio holder, Councillor Neville Evans, added, “The Easter holidays will give many of us, residents and visitors, the opportunity to discover new parts of our stunning island and support local businesses.”

“If you are exploring Anglesey this Easter please ensure that you show care and consideration for your surroundings and for others.”

For more information on how to explore Anglesey safely:

If you wish to report an incident or concern please click here:

Ends 31 March 2023