Isle of Anglesey County Council

Get tested to keep Holy Island safe

All Holy Island residents and workers are being urged to take a free Covid-19 test as we respond to the growing number of cases locally.

Latest data reports that the Holyhead and Holy Island areas have a concerning Covid-19 incidence rate – several times higher than the national average.

The County Council, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Public Health Wales are working with all other local partners including our voluntary sector to take all the required measures to reduce the rate of transmission and turn the increasing trend down.

Despite restrictions being gradually eased nationally, the situation on Holy Island remains very serious with stricter adherence to the required measures, hands - face – space. Mass community testing seen as a vital step to identify as many positive cases who will be unknowingly infectious and stopping the virus from spreading further.

As 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 do not show any symptoms - everyone is urged to get tested even if they do not have symptoms or have had the vaccine. This way we can stop the virus spreading and start lifting restrictions sooner.

This comprehensive community testing programme will start tomorrow (Sunday, March 21st) and will include extra tests available for families with secondary school age children; tests delivered to homes and a community testing centre established at Holyhead Leisure Centre next week.

The community testing programme will include:

Covid-19 testing centre for residents displaying symptoms

If you are displaying Covid-19 symptoms (see below for full list of symptoms) please go for a test, as soon as possible, at the walk-in and drive-through testing centre located at Stanley Crescent Car Park, Victoria Road, Holyhead.

The testing centre is open from 8:00am until 8:00pm Monday-Sunday. There is no need to book an appointment.

It is essential that you and your household members self-isolate until you receive your test result.

Covid-19 test collection service for secondary school pupils (years 7 to 13) and their household and household bubbles

From tomorrow, Sunday (21 March) Covid-19 testing kits (the rapid, LFD, test kits) will be available for collection walk-in and drive-through from Lower Hill Street Car Park, Holyhead.

This is specifically for secondary school pupils (years 7 to 13) living in Holyhead or on Holy Island and their family bubbles (pupils in years 10-13 many already have been provided with test kits from school) that are not displaying Covid-19 symptoms and would like to collect a rapid test to take at home.

This service is also available for households and bubbles with a child in childcare, school or college.

There is no need to book an appointment. This site will be open 9.30am – 4.30pm for one week. It is not open to the wider general public.

If this rapid LFD test is positive, you need to visit the walk-in and drive-through testing centre located at Stanley Crescent Car Park, Victoria Road, Holyhead for a confirmatory test as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours. In the meantime stay in self-isolation.

Covid-19 testing kits

From Monday (22 March) Covid-19 testing kits will start to be distributed to the main areas impacted to date on Holy Island. We are urging all residents to please take the test when they receive the kit (even if not displaying symptoms). They will be collected later for immediate transfer to the labs for analysis.

New Covid-19 community testing centre for Holyhead and Holy Island residents, and those who work there, not displaying symptoms

From the end of next week (week commencing 22 March), a new dedicated Covid-19 community testing centre will be operational at Holyhead Leisure Centre.

Residents that are not displaying Covid-19 symptoms are urged to get tested to help prevent further spread of the virus. You will not need to self-isolate whilst waiting your result.

Please do not visit the community testing centre at Holyhead Leisure Centre if you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19. If you do have symptoms please go for a test at the walk-in and drive-through testing centre located at Stanley Crescent Car Park, Victoria Road, Holyhead.

Ffion Johnstone, Area Director for the West of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, said, “We’re all concerned by the rise in cases in Holyhead and action is needed to respond as a community to protect our residents.”

“By testing more people, including those without symptoms, we are able to find more positive cases of the virus and break chains of transmission.”

“We will continue to work with Anglesey Council and Public Health Wales to support this significant undertaking over the next few weeks and encourage as many of our residents as possible to play their part in trying to bring the virus under control.”

Anglesey Council Leader, Councillor Llinos Medi, said, “The seriousness of the situation on Holy Island cannot be underestimated. The current data speaks for itself. This virus is spreading within the community and is a significant risk to people’s health.”

“We are working with partners locally, regionally and nationally to keep the people of Holyhead and Holy Island safe. That is our one and only goal here. Community testing will help us understand prevalence and level of transmission within the community.”

She added, “It is vital that everyone who lives or works on Holy Island gets tested and more important than ever that we all stick to the rules to help protect our family, friends and the community.”

  • do not enter other people’s homes
  • work from home if you can
  • do not travel unless it is essential
  • wear a face covering where required
  • wash your hands regularly
  • stay 2 metres from anyone you do not live with
  • do not gather with groups inside or outside – other than with your own household
  • open windows to allow fresh air in

More information about the community testing centre at Holyhead Leisure Centre will be shared on the County Council’s website and social media channels over the coming days.

Testing will be delivered in partnership between the Welsh Government, UK Government, Isle of Anglesey County Council, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Public Health Wales, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, local volunteers and the Ministry of Defence, with logistical support from the Armed Forces.

Ends 20.3.21

Notes to Editors

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board have broadened Covid-19 symptoms to include:

  • fever or raised temperature
  • new persistent cough (with or without sputum)
  • influenza-like symptoms including any or all of: muscle ache or pain, excessive lethargy or fatigue, persistent headache, runny or blocked nose, persistent sneezing, sore throat and/or hoarseness, shortness of breath or wheezing
  • altered or absent sense of smell or taste
  • generally feeling unwell and a history of being in contact with a known COVID-19 case
  • diarrhoea or vomiting
  • any new or change in symptoms is an indication for a test in someone with a previous negative test

Welsh Government are now offering an enhanced support package for anyone that needs to self-isolate. Please visit for information on what support and advice is available to you.

Latest data reports that Holyhead has an incidence rate of 457.1 per 100,000 people - in comparison, with Anglesey 114.2 per 100,000 and the Wales’ national incidence rate of 43.3 per 100,000 people. There number of positive Covid-19 cases recorded in Holyhead between March 13 and March was 58.

Related content: Isolation Payment