Isle of Anglesey County Council

‘Green garden waste’ subscription exceeds 10,000 homes

Residents are being thanked for their continued commitment to recycling efforts on Anglesey.

More than 10,600 homes across the Island have already signed up to the County Council’s new green garden waste collection subscription service. A £35 annual charge was introduced for the fortnightly collection service – bringing Anglesey in line with every other local authority across North Wales.

Collecting green garden waste will help Anglesey reach the Welsh Government target of recycling 70% of its waste by 2025.

The new green waste collection rounds should have started for participating households earlier this month. However, the recent high demand has meant delays in registration packs and sticker for the green bin reaching some homes.

Our Waste Management team wants to reassure residents who have signed-up for the collection service, but not yet received their registration packs, that their green waste bins will still be emptied.

Head of Highways, Property and Waste Management, Huw Percy, explained, “We are, of course, very pleased with the uptake to date and grateful to residents for their continued support for our recycling efforts on Anglesey.

“Those who have already registered for the service are advised to put out their green bin as normal (whether they have a sticker or not) and it will be collected up until April 29th.”

He added, “We’re working on resolving the current back-log and expect all registration packs to have been sent out by the end of April.”

“We would also like to apologise to everyone who has experienced a delay in contacting us via phone or email in recent days. Our waste management call centre continues to be extremely busy following an increase in registration requests.”

Residents who still want to register for the service are encouraged to do so online here:

Alternatively, please email with your contact details and a member of staff will call you back as soon as possible.

After April 29th, only those homes registered for the green garden waste collection, and displaying stickers, will have their green bin emptied.

Ends 16.4.21