Isle of Anglesey County Council

New Council Plan to create healthy, prosperous and thriving communities

The new Isle of Anglesey County Council plan 2023 to 2028 will help create healthy and prosperous communities, where people can thrive.

The Council Plan 2023 to 2028, which sets out the council’s vision and key objectives for the next five years, was recently approved by the Full Council.

The new strategic document has been shaped by a comprehensive public engagement and consultation process with input from residents, businesses and stakeholders across Anglesey.

The Council Plan’s vision is to ‘Create an Anglesey that is healthy and prosperous where people can thrive.’

Its six main objectives reflect the key areas residents think the council should be focusing its efforts on. They were developed using the views of local people, partners, political priorities and the Welsh Government’s Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act.

The Council Plan’s six main objectives are:

  • The Welsh Language: increasing opportunities to learn and use the language.
  • Social Care and Wellbeing: providing the right support at the right time.
  • Education: ensuring an effective provision for today and for future generations.
  • Housing: ensuring that everyone has the right to call somewhere home.
  • Economy: promoting opportunities to develop the island’s economy.
  • Climate Change: responding to the crisis, tackling change and working towards. becoming a net zero organisation by 2030.

Anglesey Council Leader, Councillor Llinos Medi, explained, “Our vision is to create a sustainable Anglesey where residents can live independently within strong families in healthy, prosperous and thriving communities.”

“The new Council Plan is a key document serving as a focal point for future decision-making at all levels; providing a framework to plan and drive forward priorities; shape annual spending; monitor performance and the progress made over the coming years.”

She added, “At its core is our desire to work with Anglesey residents, communities and partners to ensure the best possible services, improve the quality of life for all and create opportunities for future generations.”

The new Council Plan 2023 to 2028 is underpinned by the organisation’s core values, which will be used to develop and guide its vision, strategic plans and services into the future. 

In realising these values, we will:

  • be respectful and considerate towards others regardless of our differences
  • work as a team, with our communities and partners to deliver the best outcomes for the people of Anglesey
  • be committed to high standards of conduct and integrity
  • create a sense of pride in working for the council and present a positive image of the council and the island

Council Chief Executive, Dylan J Williams, added, “Despite the challenges and uncertainties facing our communities at present, there are still plenty of opportunities the Island can benefit from.”

“The new Council Plan will act as a crucial driver, allowing us to work with communities and partners to take advantage of these opportunities and deliver on behalf of Anglesey and its residents.”

“We want to provide the best possible learning and development opportunities for children and young people, care and support for the vulnerable, see the local economy, language and culture thrive, local services that are easy to access and clean and tidy communities. We must also continue to value the environment and respond locally to global warming.”

He added, “The Council Plan will help us focus on delivering key priorities over the next five years. Careful decisions need to be made on what’s going to make the most difference to local people’s lives in the future, and we will concentrate on doing those things well.”

Managing performance will also be an integral part of the new Council Plan. The county council will strive to achieve its objectives through partnerships with the people and communities and align its work with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act.

More information about the new Council Plan 2023 to 2028 can be found here:

Ends 28 June 2023