Young Carers Action Day on 16th March 2021 is about children and young people from across North Wales (& UK) who care for someone, usually a parent or a sibling, whether ill or disabled. It is on this day the new North Wales Young Carers ID card will be launched to give recognition to our amazing young carers here in North Wales!
Young Carers have asked for an ID card so that teachers, health professionals and retailers know that they carry important responsibilities. In response the Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Julie Morgan, outlined her commitment to this initiative in rolling out a national young carers identification card in response to the National Assembly’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Inquiry into the Social Services and Well-being Act 2014 and its impact on carers, as well addressing the three national priorities for carers in Wales.
There will be a phased roll-out of the national ID card, with all local authority areas in Wales having launched their card by April 2022. Many areas in Wales are developing their localised roll-out plans now, however North Wales is taking a unique approach and developing the ID card in partnership to create greater awareness and recognition for our young carers.
One in twelve children become a young carer at some point during childhood (BBC (2010). There are young, unsung heroes in every neighbourhood. Every young carer is different, but these are some examples of what they have to juggle in their lives:
- Talking to parent / sibling who is distressed and helping them communicate.
- Helping parents / sibling get out of bed and dressed.
- Collecting prescriptions and giving out medicines.
- Managing the family budget.
- Cooking, housework and shopping.
The biggest challenge is often the worry they have for the parent or sibling that they look after and often not being understood by others. Incredibly, with recognition and support young carers can be extremely successful, they are used to being responsible and getting things done, but all too many do not achieve their potential and become isolated– that’s why awareness and the ID card are so important.
The national young carers ID card is being developed to identify and raise awareness of young carers as well as provide recognition of their important and often invisible caring role. The aim of this national initiative is to help young carers, 18 and under, get access to the right support at the right time; so for example if a young carer was identified using their ID by a teacher, doctor or pharmacist, they would know how best to support that young carer.
“I care for my younger brother with severe Autism. Having a young carer ID card would help me a lot, especially in school so that I can get acknowledged as a young carer. I would welcome the support of Deadpool, the Wrexham football club and I would highly appreciate it if they promoted this launch”
Covid-19 has impacted young carers significantly, who are reporting a growing number of challenges as a result, including: increases in their caring role and responsibilities, isolation and balancing learning/ education. The pandemic has also seen an increase in young carers seeking formal means of identification to enable them to access essential foods and medicines more easily. Over lockdown, you may have seen Young Carer Fayeth on the BBC News because she had been turned away for being a child out shopping. People didn’t realise that she needed to shop for her family – she was supported with an ID card, along with other young carers. It made such a difference and her local supermarket came to welcome and support her visits. When teachers know that their pupils are young carers they can find out what would help that child succeed and link up with local organisations that can help too.
If you know someone who would benefit from a young carers ID card or just wants to talk to someone about their caring role, please get in touch with:
Action for Children (Anglesey & Gwynedd)
Credu (Conwy, Denbighshire & Wrexham)
01597 823 800 /
NEWCIS (Flintshire)
01352 752525 /