Since the Coronavirus outbreak Anglesey County Council and the Island’s schools have been working hard together to maintain an effective distance learning package for the children and young people.
Following the outbreak the authority and education sector have been working relentlessly to ensure that provisions are in place to care for the children of key workers, that free schools meals have been distributed and that all of the children and young people have been given adequate resources to continue with their education at home whilst in lockdown.
Anglesey’s Director of Education, Skills and Young People, Rhys Hughes said, “The County Council is fully committed to support all of Anglesey’s pupils during these challenging times, and this wouldn’t have been possible without the cooperation from our special school and our primary and secondary schools.”
“Adapting the curriculum to all of the Island’s school age children to online has been a significant challenge and I’m grateful to our schools who have adapted effectively and efficiently to long distance learning.”
Anglesey’s schools (Primary and Secondary) have developed and broadened their normal routine of presenting tasks – specifically through online resources such as Show My Homework, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Hwb and Seesaw. All of which are now proven to be essential in the continuation of education.
The Island’s Special Education School, Canolfan Addysg y Bont has also adapted its care provision, and although still facilitating daily care for a small number for pupils, they have created online resources such as filming lessons and created work packs which are available on their website. These resources cover a variety of learning experiences such as life skills, communications, wellbeing and thematic work. Allowing the school to create a normal environment, letting the pupils to see familiar staff faces and creating a positive home routine during these unsettling times.
Anglesey’s portfolio holder for Education, Libraries & Culture, Councillor Meirion Jones added, “These online resources are innovative and fully accessible, allowing there to be an effective teacher-pupil relationship. Not only allowing the teacher to set tasks but to also allow pupils to present their work through various formats such as videos, drawings, presentations and written. Expanding our pupils’ skills and allowing them to learn new experiences through their work.”
“This wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and innovation from our schools and teachers. Although all our schools are experienced in using digital technology to enhance the learning experiences of pupils as part of their daily teaching, this new way of teaching has been as much of a change to the teachers as it has been to the pupils and their readiness to adapt is something we as an authority are incredibly grateful for.”
“As a school community it is also important that we thank the Island’s parents. They have also had to adapt to the new routine and we’re grateful for their patience and cooperation whilst we all familiarise ourselves with distance learning.”
If you are a parent and need more information about these new platforms please contact your school direct through their normal communication methods. Staff will be able to provide you with further advice and support.
Ends: 29/04/2020