Isle of Anglesey County Council

'Second homes’ Council Tax consultation underway

A public consultation on proposals to increase the Council Tax premium for second homes on Anglesey is underway.

Welsh local authorities were given powers to introduce an extra charge on dwellings occupied periodically – second homes or long term empty properties - on 1 April 2017.

At present 10 local authorities in Wales apply the second home premium, which ranges from 25% - 100%. Anglesey Council raised its premium on second homes from 25% to 35% on 1 April 2019 and its Executive is now considering another increase to 50% from April 2022.

Anglesey Council uses £350,000 each year from the premium, and has so far helped more than 90 local residents, who did not own a property, to buy their first home. This support has been provided through various loans and grants to qualifying applicants.

With more than 2,000 properties on the island still currently unoccupied during parts of the year, the Executive would use extra funding from the premium to help more local residents, especially young people, get on the housing ladder.

Finance portfolio holder, Councillor Robin Williams explained, “Through this consultation process, we’ll be seeking the views of Anglesey residents, owners of second homes on the Island and operators of self-catering accommodation, on our intention to increase the premium to 50% from April 2022.

“The existing premium charge on second homes has already helped us support Anglesey residents to secure their first homes and live in their local communities. Raising the premium would allow us to give more of our young people that extra support needed to get on the housing ladder, which is currently so difficult because of high property prices.”

The consultation is open to Anglesey residents, owners of second homes on the island and operators of self-catering accommodation. It will be seeking their views on what impact the current number of second homes and self-catering units currently have on local communities, local economy and Welsh language and whether the proposed premium increase should be more than the proposed 50%.

The online consultation can be found here: and closes on Friday, 6 August 2021.

Paper copies, large print, braille and easy read versions are available on request. Please contact Llinos M Roberts (Revenues and Benefits Manager) via email:

Information gathered through the online survey will be used to inform a comprehensive impact assessment. This impact assessment together a report outlining the responses to the survey will be considered by the Executive in reaching its decision on the matter during the autumn.

Ends 15.6.21

Notes to Editors:

The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 does not specify how Councils should use the extra revenue generated by the premium, but the guidance issued by the Welsh Government states that 'the discretion given to local authorities to charge a premium is intended to be a tool to help local authorities to

  • bring long term empty homes back into use to provide safe, secure and affordable homes
  • support local authorities in increasing the supply of affordable housing and enhancing the sustainability of local communities'