On 7 December, public organisations in Wales will be holding a one day campaign to raise awareness of the public's rights to use the Welsh language.
The Welsh Language Commissioner is responsible for coordinating the day. Dozens of public organisations across Wales, including the Isle of Anglesey County Council, will join in the celebrations by promoting their Welsh language services on the day.
Welsh language standards have created the rights, and 124 public organisations in Wales are operating these standards: from county councils, to health boards, the emergency services, colleges and universities, and national organisations in Wales.
Welsh Language Commissioner, Aled Roberts, said: “Since the introduction of standards, I have seen a transformation in the rights of Welsh speakers and learners. The Welsh language is now part of the way organisations plan their services, and increasingly people have confidence that a quality service is available to them through the medium of Welsh. The standards have also led to establishing rights for employees to use Welsh at work, significantly increasing the opportunities to use the language on a daily basis.”
“Of course, organisations are expected to promote their services throughout the year, but giving everyone one day to celebrate the Welsh language services available is an effective way of raising awareness. It is also a reason to set a date each year to remind staff internally of existing rights and carry out promotional activities.”
To support organisations to promote their services, the Commissioner has created a package of marketing resources for the organisations.
The Council is proud to be part of the campaign again this year. As part of the celebrations, we are running a social media campaign to highlight our Welsh language services. People can use Welsh with us over the phone, when writing to us, when browsing our website and social media accounts, and when applying for jobs with us.
Councillor Ieuan Williams, Deputy Council Leader and Welsh Language Portfolio holder said: “As a council, we are particularly fortunate to have a passionate workforce of Welsh speakers able to provide our residents with a high standard of service in Welsh. We are proud to celebrate this important occasion and to take the opportunity to urge the people of Anglesey to use their right to use Welsh with us on this day and every other day.”
You can support the campaign on social media by following #MaeGenIHawl.
Ends 6 December 2021
Notes for editors:
- This is the third year that the Commissioner has held Welsh Language Rights Day on 7 December
- This date was chosen because it was on 7 December 2010 that the Senedd voted to pass the Welsh Language Measure, the legislation which created the framework for establishing rights for Welsh speakers