Isle of Anglesey County Council


Management and enhancement of Holy Island’s characteristic heathland habitat through cutting, clearing scrub, and enabling longer term management solutions.
A project to control the spread and attempt to eradicate terrestrial non-native invasive species which are emerging in Holy Island’s landscape, and threatening both native habitats and historic structures alike.
Developing a voluntary code of conduct and site guide to encourage, enable and foster sustainable behaviour amongst outdoor activity providers, especially those coming in from outside the island.
Working with landowners and managers to encourage sustainable land management practices and identify new opportunities for long term legacy plans.
This project will restore traditional boundary structures. As the prominent characteristic landscape feature we will focus on traditional dry stone walls, however cloddiau and hedgerows will also be considered if the circumstances opportunity arises.
Restoring forgotten and deteriorating historical structures in the landscape, and discovering the stories behind them and how they played a role in shaping the landscape
This project will undertake an archaeological excavations of a significant heritage site in Holy Island’s landscape. We will commission an organisation with the required experience and expertise to undertake both the excavation and the resulting analysis and recording work. We will also engage and involve community members and volunteers to participate in all aspects of the project through schools, groups and partners
This project will focus on activities that get young people out of the classroom to learn about the wealth of heritage on their doorstep using the coastal environment as a catalyst.
A year round programme of community led activities and projects, developed by local people for local people. Promoting the local heritage, how and why it’s managed, its value, and the local benefits it provides. Focus is on engaging a wide and diverse audience, enabling participation in heritage projects, and recruiting future volunteers.
Directly supporting the scheme’s volunteer led activities, and developing sustainable local capacity for the future long term management of the heritage landscape and its special features.
Develop thorough understanding of the heritage landscape and its management amongst key groups, and enable individuals to gain a comprehensive set of skills that will enable them to find future employment in its management.
Working with local businesses and organisations on Holy Island to encourage and enable them to develop and integrate a distinct Welsh welcome to customers and members, focused on the distinct local heritage landscape.
The implementation of a comprehensive island wide interpretation plan, to include info points, interpretation panels, and signposting of local heritage hubs and attractions.
Physical and online trails interpreting and promoting local heritage, and guiding people towards key heritage hubs, features and attractions across the island.
Short family friendly trails encouraging local families and visitors to explore corners of the island in a fun and engaging way, with heritage storytelling done from the perspective of a local historical character.
Establish four new exhibition hubs and a travelling exhibition, focusing on and telling the story of four distinct aspects of Holy Island’s heritage according to the four key themes identified in the Interpretation Plan.
Developing a brand new Visitor Heritage Centre at Breakwater Country Park, which will be the focus of our island wide heritage interpretation plan and provide a local base for our staff team embedded in the local community.
Establishing and promoting two new circular walks to promote access to the coastal heritage in the south of Holy Island.
Developing easy access public routes linking local communities with the heritage landscape of the coast and country parks.